Pe2M printers
Our high-performance printer series fulfills a wide range of requirements, from fast ISO card printing to the personalization of large-format passes – thanks to the optional turning unit on some models, it is also possible on both sides.

2XL+ – The Accredition Printer for large sized plastic badges
The Pe2M 2XL+ is the next generation of our proven 2XL printer and was developed especially for the personalization of professional large size accreditation badges.

2XL 2.0 – speed and precision for oversized cards
The 2XL 2.0 card printer for oversized cards is a successful development and can offer a variety of new features that make working with it even faster, easier and more efficient.

2XCR100 – security focus with oversized picture ID cards
Sicherheit in öffentlichen Gebäuden, in Krankenhäusern und Flughäfen, aber auch bei großen Events wird immer wichtiger. Um den gestiegenen Sicherheitsanforderungen gerecht zu werden sind CR100 Bildausweise ein gutes und probates Hilfsmittel. Sie sind die moderne Antwort auf die gestiegenen Herausforderungen in Sachen Sicherheit.

2Xtendet – Xtended in form factor and security
The 2Xtended card printer for plastic cards in the special format not only prints longer plastic cards, but also offers you even more security features and more possibilities to print advertising and relevant content on your credentials.